Thursday, May 15, 2014

Climb the Mountains

One does not climb to attain enlightenment, rather one climbs because he is enlightened.

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.”         John Muir

"I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills, I love the fountains, I love the daffodils, I love the fireflies, when the lights are low."  I can remember my Dad singing this song as we were crowded in the "Burb", aka. Suburban, on long trips.  And he sang it with conviction.  You could tell he really meant what he sang.  He really did love the mountains.  And it was probably from him, that I learned to love them too.  Sounds sappy, right?  But until you've climbed a mountain, not just a measly hill.  I mean a real mountain.  And you have had to exert yourself to get to the top.  Quickened heartbeat, breathing heavily and sweat all required.  And then you make it to the stillness of the Mountain.  Not quite to the top, but away from the world and other people.  And then you stop, maybe just to catch your breath.  And at first that's all you hear, is yourself breathing.  But then your breathing slows and you listen.  You really listen.  And you hear the Aspen leaves blowing in the wind, you hear the creaking noises of the older trees telling you their life story, you hear squirrels scampering along or birds flying from tree to tree.  And then without even realizing it, you exhale.  And with that exhale, you let go of all the stresses of your life.  And in that moment, you feel whole.  

And so, with this being my first blog post, I am dedicating my days to those moments.  To experiencing the stillness of the mountains, noticing the smell after it rains, looking for the good in others, being passionate about learning, laughing more often, and loving those precious instances with my kids where we are connecting.  And the feeling of love between us feels mutual.  

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