Sunday, October 4, 2015

This little guy!

He's the best!  I tell him so when he wakes up or when I give him hugs.  And then he laughs and I tell him, "Aww, You're the best!"
He talks all the time.  He says things like, "Abla ja la da ga ba da ba." I think.  He has his own language.  But he wants me to listen to him while he's talking.  And if I don't or I'm distracted, he yells my name.  "MOM! MOM! MOM!"  Yes, literally.  There's no mistaking that.  He also started saying, "Thank you," the other day.  I handed him a drink of water.  And when he said it, I was shocked.  He's only 16 months.   Although it sounds more like, "Tank ooo."   I love it!
I used to think that kids just learn all sorts of things as they grow.  Which they do.  But I just thought they learned them somehow on their own.  When I had my first, the nurse in the hospital said to me, "Just wait until she's two and says "I love you."" And I thought, "Yea, that will be great."  But then somewhere along the line, I had this "Aha!" moment or maybe this was more like a "Duh" moment.  Because as I was waiting for the time when she would tell me she loved me, I realized, if I want me daughter to tell me she loves me, I have to tell her.  Which I quickly then also realized I wasn't doing.  How was she going to learn to do something unless I taught her or showed her by example.
 So I know I say, "Thank you," often to my little guy because he now says it to me.  I say "Thank you," every time he gives me a kiss.  I say "Thank you," when he hands me his plate or cup after eating.  I say, "Thank you," when he closes the door for me.  (And yes, he understands that too.)
And now, I'd also like to say "Thank you," to him for being my little guy.  For loving me.  For being excited to see your blanket when you get into bed.  For being excited to see me when you wake up.  For being excited to ride on the four-wheeler and see the chickens or goats or cows.  Thank you for bringing me so much joy.  Love, your Mom

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Just a Field Trip!

Glen had to do some cases in Denver.  So the kids and I decided to be spontaneous and go along.  Glen was already getting a hotel anyway.  So we joined him.  

The first day we went to the Butterfly Pavilion.  

 Heres the interesting critters.  The ones in the tank.  Not in front.  Haha.

We explored the butterflies here.  The room was about 75 degrees.  Felt like a sauna.

The butterflies had such gorgeous colors as you can see from this blue one.  You are not allowed to touch one. "But if one lands on you, enjoy the experience.  The kids really wanted to have one land on them.  

The Liam guy

Back at the hotel, Liam was exhausted.  He had a bit of a fever.  What a great cuddle buddy.

Day 2: We decided to get our wiggles out and go to the firefighters park.

Pretty cool park, huh?

Here Rhett is saying, "Mom, will you play soccer with me?

Liam was asleep in the car, but finally woke up and joined us.  He though it was pretty cool too.

Next stop: Hammond Candy Factory.  I gave the kids a choice between GoKarts and the candy factory.  Rhett chose the cars, but the girls chose the candy.  Later, we discovered the girls weren't really sure what the gokarts were or would entail.  So we will have to try that again soon.

The kids in the candy store.

Here's part of the factory.  It was really fun to see how they made it...the old fashioned way.  They mostly make hard candies.  Twirly, twisted suckers that you see on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and striped candy canes.

They keep the metal tables at 200 degrees so the candy stays nice and warm while making it.  

All in all two fun filled days.  And memories made.  I'm glad we took the opportunity to be adventurous.