Sunday, October 12, 2014

A day in the Life!

Glen is gone hunting this weekend so it gives me a chance to blog.  I always want to so I can write down the memories.  Especially now that you can add your memories with such great pictures.  Although I must admit I find the act of writing in a journal much more therapeutic.  

So our corn made it to full term.  The weather held out and now we can harvest it.  That is, if the raccoons don't harvest it first!  They seemed to have found it and are having a field day! We will harvest Tomorrow!

 Liam is growing.  He such a joy! So great that he needs a blog post of all his own.
 We've been working on Sienna's hair.  Each day we try to do a creative do.  She enjoys watching a new video while I do her hair.  And she loves to add a bow!

 Our swing at our farm. (can I call it a farm without milking cows?) I get tired of calling it "the property" like it doesn't belong to us.  Beautiful green trees and the kids love playing outdoors.  And I love that they will play and use their imaginations.
 He is just growing! Such a cutie and so inquisitive!

Sienna got this carrot out of our garden the other day.  She informed me that is she didn't eat it that it would run away.  Funny girl!  "Come back here, I'll bite your legs off."  And she did.